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Mystic Arts

"Dark Alice's"

Tired Of Tricks...

Ready For Real Magic?

Divination, witchcraft, ritual, spell casting, channeling, mediumship...


I believe all those with a serious interest in magic and illusions should know their way around the mystical practices that have shaped society throughout history.
Though I am strictly an entertainer, some might call these pages my  "Dark Arts."

There are many POWERFUL reasons to learn this:

1.) If you are a magician or conjuror, you cement your reputation for  having "mysterious knowledge" when you can answer or comment brilliantly on these subjects.


2.) The stories from the cultures that have employed these practices throughout the centuries are many of the greatest human stories ever told.  They reach us on the deepest emotional level.  So, they are perfect stories to incorporate into and enrich your performance!


3.) If you want to make your living at this, you can instantly double your gigs and your income when you can be booked to do readings. as well as illusions...
And it takes you strange places...  Believe me...
Even for those who are not magicians, you'll instantly become a performer, and gain a wonderful social skill.


Telling someone "things you couldn't possibly know" during your performance leaves an impression on that person for life.


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4.) You can turn any form of divination into the most powerful "cold reading" ever done.  Completely self working, without long memorizing..


5.) And last, even if it's just for curiosity, learning the "Darks Arts" isn't a chore, I promise you'll find it a thrill!

And some late evenings, a little scary.


Why learn with me?


I've had a serious, almost scholarly interest in these subjects since I was 8 that I'd like to pass on to you.
I've had the privilege, and gained this skill the hard way; through literally thousands of readings at shows around the world, 

Join me, and we'll treat these practices with respect.  Not the offhanded way most magic books do, making it historically fun as well.

Readings someone's fortune is  powerful, yet you can learn it in an evening.  And that's a promise!

"Dark Alice's" Divination Secrets...

Coming Soon

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